Nicol + Kamarul
ini berlaku semalam, 17 Julai 2010.
Semoga kekal hingga akhir hayat :)
a big thanks to NICE IDEA for lending me his beast for this job...the D700! (now i am really poisoned)
taufiqshariff photography
You can contact Taufiq Shariff by email or yahoo messenger at taufiqshariff [remove.this.square.brackets]
While doing that, please leave me the details of your big day i.e. DATE, TIME, VENUE so that its easier for me to check my availability. THANKS!
nice pics!! good job bro. emm.. ambil pic from ur blog. for my personal review actually. thanks.
terpesona tahap dewaaaaaaaaaaa
nih gambar2 kat ict ke?
lab report