
Minggu lepas berhenti sekejap dari sibuk di tempat kerja Kuala Lumpur. Pergi jauh jauh ke pulau Perhentian. Berenang. Baring kat hammock. Tengok laut, tengok ikan ikan. Subhanallah.


Aie said...

best tak?

SoFiA.opY said...

more photossssss please?!
perhentian mmg indah ok~

proud to be malaysian*tibe2* hahah

Miss Gf said...

Jealous ku di sini ohhhhhhhh~

N D Z said...

cantik sgt!

lab report

taufiqshariff photography

You can contact Taufiq Shariff by email or yahoo messenger at taufiqshariff [remove.this.square.brackets] While doing that, please leave me the details of your big day i.e. DATE, TIME, VENUE so that its easier for me to check my availability. THANKS!