

"Its the same ol feeling i felt every summer in Germany...
in the train heading somewhere,
lovely weather, sunshine, clear blue sky, happy faces,
exploring new places with a camera in my crumpler...

life gets somewhat less interesting doing the same thing almost every single day for the past 1 year.
i'm gettin out of my routine this weekend

so.......yeay!!! "


azaliabakar said...

Out of routine? für immer?

farah yusri said...

I need one of those too! Breaking out of my routine!

You go, fren!!

Auni said...

kan topek kan? aku baru je balik bape bulan dah rasa mcm mendatarnya hidup aku.rindu jugak zaman2 kat deutschland boleh dgn spontannya pack brg and beli tiket tren pegi kemana2

taufiq shariff said...

sudincubus: nayhhh..nicht fur immer. weekend ni sahaje. pegi jalan2. travel sket. lama sangat tak travel mane2.

farah: anda bukan baru sahaje balik bercuti ke puan farah yusri? hahaha.

auni: ye lah auni, kalau aku lukis graf idop aku. Graf BEST paksi y melawan MASA pada paksi x...most of the time sekarang ni adalah straight line je mendatar. haha. so aku kena gi jalan lah wiken nih. melepak2. hopefully everything goes well. dan juge berharap ianya percutian menyeronokkan :)

lab report

taufiqshariff photography

You can contact Taufiq Shariff by email or yahoo messenger at taufiqshariff [remove.this.square.brackets] While doing that, please leave me the details of your big day i.e. DATE, TIME, VENUE so that its easier for me to check my availability. THANKS!