Alles Geht Kaputt

imac400 copy

Now that the extension of Applecare is no longer valid .... two annoying bluish colored bands of pixels suddenly comes up on the LCD and never fade away ....


Update: ok now there is a thin green line appearing on the LCD cutting it into half.... *sigh*

imac400 copy2

Now i have to dig deep inside my wallet to get me a new fruit....another APPLE that is.
Bila nak kaya nihhh????


Aie said...

haha too bad....

MiSs iiMa said...

weh apesal tangan makin gelap nih..ko tak pakai losen ke haha
time to upgrade the machine..bdk junior reutlingen selambe je beli apple yg lg canggih..senior kena la lg ganas! hal2 dlm dompet org tak nmpk haha

taufiq shariff said...

aie: malang sungguh buah apple saya....

ima: tangan aku makin gelap? ye lahh...berjemur panas kadang pegi site, gi training pe semua.
gile tak macho pakai losyen! hahaha. malas nak pakai sebenarnye.

budak2 junior reutlingen tu semua kaya, dibandingkan dengan aku yg skolar kena potong nih. hahaha.

best nampak ko berhoneymoon kat sud afrika.

lab report

taufiqshariff photography

You can contact Taufiq Shariff by email or yahoo messenger at taufiqshariff [remove.this.square.brackets] While doing that, please leave me the details of your big day i.e. DATE, TIME, VENUE so that its easier for me to check my availability. THANKS!